It occurred to me as I re-read my last post that perhaps I should expand it with some explanation of the Hebrew word, Selah. Used 71 times in the Psalms, it is a musical term; "an intended pause, suspension to the music." The Psalm that I referenced when I studied the word is 46:10-11 calling for stillness to know who God is. That word has called me to suspend some of my "hurriedness". So far this year, I've paused my TV viewing, kept my computer off for one day a week, taken fewer 30 min trips into town and spent more time in my studio and scripture study. I find those actions give me a more relaxed and thoughtful mindset. I've returned to my studio, trying to work steadily and be content with whatever happens in the day and when I feel it is time, I stop for the day.
I believe these decisions are directly related to some of the reading I've been doing mentioned in my last blog. A few excerpts from some of those authors follow for your meditation:
Tozer: "what a man is must be shown to be more important than what he does."
Wiersbe: An explorer was penetrating a difficult area of the jungle and wanted to keep going, but his native bearers would not move. "We have been going too fast", they explained, "and we must wait here for our souls to catch up with our bodies."
Barbara Brown Taylor: While contemplating what her "work" was to be, she was impressed by God that it is "Anything that pleases you.". It meant the ball was back in her court and she still had to decide among many things how she would make a living. "I could be a priest or a circus worker. God really did not care. But whatever I decided to do for a living was not what I did but how I did it that mattered."
That's enough for today. Perhaps this will give you food for thought for the week. Actually, now on this Saturday, I'm taking time to go with my husband to a movie and practicing releasing my "to do" list for the weekend.
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