Friday, April 15, 2011

The Ocean as Fleeting Artist

 Photo of line and mark on the beach
How many are your works O LORD
Psalm 104:24

This month I was given a Personal Art Retreat at a friend's condo just yards from the beach.  This often is an annual gift which I am most grateful for.  Previous visits have uncovered some discoveries about the language of the sea and shells (see previous posts) and this year I discovered the ocean as artist. 

One of my  favorite activities is to take long walks along the beach.  Breathing the ocean salt-air clears my head and brings clarity to my thoughts as well as opens up all kinds of creative thinking.  So, when I began to discover patterns, lines and textures on the sand, I was overcome with excitement at what I found! I started taking photos of these "paintings" and now have a whole file of ideas that could become inspirations for future paintings about the sands of the seashore.

 Photo of line and mark on the beach
A remarkable thing happened as I photographed some of these patterns and designs which made me aware of the fleeting work of the ocean as artist.  As soon as I clicked the shutter on the above design, the surf came ashore and wiped away these marks.  So I feel I have an original, never to be created the same again.  How special is that?!

 Photo of design on the beach
The above pattern looked like a snake had lost it's skin and left it to dry in the sun, all stretched and flat and ready to be framed.  Remarkable!  I have many others, but these will give you an idea of what can be discovered when I take time to see and observe the environment around me.