Monday, February 22, 2010

Diving In!

Aimone Art Workshop Atlantic Center for the Arts

I hope you can see the energy and excitement coming through this photo.  I truly "dove in" to the unknown and took a risk to step out of my comfort zone and began to learn a new medium and manner in which I paint.  Steve Aimone was the coach for this week-long intensive workshop where 15 artists came together in a beautifully natural setting to just let go and paint!  There were limited directed challenges and none of my pieces are really "finished".  These are all beginnings in which we were absorbed in the language of abstraction and non-objective compositions, putting the lines and shapes on the paper with great energy and emotion.

We took part in critiques and dialogue about line, form, abstraction, non-objectivism, automatic drawing, and composite still life.  We had evening DVD's featuring several known abstract expressionists and I was introduced to some I had not known.

It was an "in the moment" experience for me; I left my laptop at home and seldom used my cell phone--never looked at my calendar.   I went with no expectations and came home full of excitement and energy and a new liberty in painting.  We shall see where it goes from here, but I can almost guarantee my art-making will never be the same.  The integration of these techniques with my present work will emerge over time.  I'm in no hurry to produce work "for someone or something".  I'm ready to just enjoy the process and learn all I can by doing what comes naturally.  However, I may eventually need to change my artist statement to reflect possible changes.

I believe my times of quiet and contemplation in the weeks leading up to this workshop contributed to my enjoying it to its highest.  It was a spiritual and worshipful experience for me being in the moment.

Check out for further information on Steve's workshops.

Sunday, February 7, 2010

This is where I am

I've been feeling guilty that I haven't posted for over a week.  Then I was brought back to a quote from Barbara Brown Taylor in her book, An Altar in the World:

"Most of us spend so much time thinking about where we have been or where we are supposed to be going that we have a hard time recognizing where we actually are.   When someone asks us where we want to be in our lives, the last thing that occurs to us is to look down at our feet and say, "Here, I guess, since this is where I am." 

This reminds me of a previous painting I made titled Stand Still (image above).   It references Psalm 46:10 and Moses standing on Holy ground at the burning bush.  He was there present in the moment listening to God's voice.  So, I'm okay.  I'll go forward from here.  If you want to read the writing about the image, go to where it is posted with the image.

I'll be traveling to New Smyrna Beach today to the Atlantic Center for the Arts to participate in an art workshop:  The Spiritual Language of Art:  Abstract Painting coached by Steve Aimone (   I'm going totally with no expectations as this is a challenge and stretch for me using a different medium, technique and in community.  I'm leaving my computer at home so I can be totally present in the moment!  I'll give a report on my return.